2022 Science & Faith event: What is Human? An Exposition on Imago Dei

Wednesday, January 26, 2022, 4:306 p.m.

Posted by: Center for Research in Science

What does it mean to be human? Are humans merely about the DNA? What does it mean when humans are created in God's image, imago dei? And how do crises such as pandemics affect who we are? Join us for a robust discussion with Dr. Praveen Sethupathy (Cornell University), Dr. Mihretu Guta (APU) and Dr. Regina Trammel (APU) as they speak on the science, ontology and praxis of what it means to be human on January 26, 4:30pm PST/ 7:30pm EST. There will be a live Q&A session.

Free registration is here: https://apu.zoom.us/.../register/WN_HXOGR8h-QCu4jaiN3oeImQ


Free registration is here: https://apu.zoom.us/.../register/WN_HXOGR8h-QCu4jaiN3oeImQ


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For more information, contact:

Center for Research in Science
(626) 815-6480