Maryann Rachford, EdD
Office Hours
by appointment only
Adjunct Professor, Department of Art
Rachford received an AA in Art, a BA in Studio Art (painting and printmaking), a Teaching Credential in Art, a MA in Design (Graphic Design and Film Art Direction), and an EdD in Art Education. Her doctoral dissertation was based on research stressing interdisciplinary education. She believes any subject can be taught, and enhanced, through the integration of art; that knowledge cannot be acquired until it is applied, this can be achieved through art.
Her career has included working in and on feature films and commercials, art and creative director for retail chains, corporations and advertising agencies, and she established Pelican Productions Art Studio, a graphic design firm. Maryann found that working in advertising and the film industry didn't hold the magic of creating art and imparting knowledge. Consequently, she's also a college professor endeavoring to make art an integral part of students' lives.
She's taught at Woodbury and Biola Universities, UCLA, Long Beach City College, and American College for Applied Design. Currently she's an art professor at Citrus College teaching studio art, computer graphics and typography, introduction to the visual arts and distance education art history. Additionally she teaches art at Azusa Pacific University.
Rachford has shown and received awards in numerous shows & competitions, has work in the permanent collection of the AFL/CIO, is listed in California Art Review, American Artist, and various Who's Who publications. Her work is currently on exhibit in Gallery SOHO, Montclair Plaza Mall, Montclair, CA.
- EdD, Azusa Pacific University
- MA, California State University, Los Angeles
- BA, California State University, Los Angeles
- Teaching Credential in Art, California State University, Los Angeles
Academic Area
- School of the Arts
- Art Education