Games Minor Launched!

We are excited to launch our Games Minor! You can now take games classes in the Spring! Go to your course catalog and search for these classes: 

Course List:

 DSGN 115 Using Digital Media in a Visual World (3 units)

GAME 110 Game Studies Seminar (3 units)

GAME 115 Game Development Studio I (3 units)

GAME 120 Game Art Design (3 units)

GAME 130 Game Theory and Mechanics (3 units)

GAME 210 Narrative Design for Games (2 units)

GAME 215 Level and Environmental Design for Games (3 units)

GAME 320 UX and UI Design for Games (2 units)


Games Minor
Be a Game Maker, Be a Game Changer

Note: This information is current for the 2023-24 academic year; however, all stated academic information is subject to change. Refer to the current Academic Catalog for more information.