Azusa Pacific University proudly announces the enrollment of Stickman Bob, one of the newest faces in Web gaming.

Not only does Bob's addition to the APU family enhance APU's cultural diversity (two-dimensional stick-figures are definitely rare in higher education), but he has also agreed to star in a new Flash game featuring his exciting adventures at the university.

"I'm honored to be part of such a groundbreaking maneuver," said Bob during an interview. "I applaud the steps APU is taking to show education doesn't have to be boring. This game should prove a useful pastime for those who chafe under the no-blowing-stuff-up-in-the-dorms policy."

The game's release marks the culmination of six months of negotiations, script-writing, blood, sweat, and a few large buckets of soybean oil. "I had a good time, but I'm glad we're finally done," said an exhausted Bob on the last day of principal animation.

The rest of the cast seemed to agree with his opinion. "Bob is great to work with," bubbled Jeff Martinez, an admissions counselor playing himself in the game. "We all had fun, but in the end, it was a very tiring experience. Who could have guessed that pretending to clone yourself, hopping after a stickman, and getting books thrown at your head could be so much work?"

"Or so much fun?" Bob added, as he sent a copy of The Mythical Man-Month flying toward Jeff.

The game takes players from the well-traveled Cougar Walk on East Campus to the mysterious column-filled Centennial Lane on West Campus. As a special treat, Bob's three brothers (Steve, Fred, and Herbert) can even join him for a relaxing game of volleyball in the Richard and Vivian Felix Event Center. So grab your keyboard, hold onto your hat (and possibly your neighbor's poodle), and take a look at Stickman Bob Goes to APU. Get ready to have the most fun you've had since the last time you had fun!