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Staff Saturday: Coba Canales ’06, EdD, Plants Seeds to Cultivate Student Growth
January 25, 2025 | Written By Saundri Luippold

A solid foundation in Christ can provide the sturdiness and grounding to remain firm in one’s faith. Coba Canales ’06, EdD, grew up immersed in ministry, as his father was the pastor of the church Canales’ grandfather founded. From fun times bonding with friends in youth and young adult groups, to serving his community, the values Canales developed at a young age created a passion for keeping Christ at the center of all he does. “Eventually I had to make my own personal decisions about how largely faith would play a role in my life, and leaning on what I learned growing up helped me discern my direction in life,” he said. As a graduate of Azusa Pacific University, Canales is happy to give back to the community as the dean of students.
Originally from Carson, Calif., Canales has always had a close relationship with his family. He and his two older brothers spent a lot of time at their father’s church and played sports together. Canales always considered remaining involved in church throughout his life as a volunteer, but it wasn’t until his freshman year at a secular university when he realized he wanted to pursue ministry full time. “One of my older brothers went to APU and played football, so I was on campus quite often to watch his games,” he said. “The sense of community and commitment to Christ made it clear to me that APU was where I was meant to be.” Canales majored in biblical studies.
Canales’ three years at APU were some of his most adventurous, formative, and spiritually refreshing seasons. Playing on the football and baseball team provided him with friendships and mentorships that have lasted decades. Canales’ favorite memories include traveling around the country for games, leading as a team captain for both teams, and training everyday to fulfill a mutual goal with his teammates.
Looking back, Canales has fond memories of worshipping in chapel and diving deep into theology through his classes, where he got to explore his questions about faith. “Spiritually, I feel incredibly blessed to have been surrounded by people who positively shaped my growth as a young man of faith,” he said. “Every endeavor created a unique opportunity to take significant steps toward maturity and building a stronger relationship with God.”
Inspired by the mentors who made a difference in his life, Canales became interested in working with college students in the future. After earning his MDiv at Fuller Theological Seminary, Canales started working at APU in 2010. His first position was an assistant campus pastor. Canales left for one year to serve as director of diversity at Vanguard University, which helped him grow professionally and spiritually as he interacted with students of various backgrounds. “God led me to realize that I didn’t need the title of pastor to be pastoral and contribute to others,” he said.
Canales returned to APU a year later and worked in the Office of Service and Discipleship, leading discipleship groups and providing mentorship. A few years later he moved into the dean of spiritual life role,providing pastoral leadership over the areas of chapel, discipleship, pastoral care, global engagement, and local service opportunities. For the past two years Canales has served as dean of students, where he combines the skills he’s gathered through pastoral roles to ensure students have the resources they need to thrive in college.
The most important role in Canales’ life is being a husband and a father to three beautiful children: Joseph (12-years-old), Ruthie (10-years-old), and Micaiah (6-years-old). Canales is grateful for the influences throughout his life who have taught him to prioritize family and to strive for balance. His office is filled with many drawings from his kids and family photos.
When asked what advice he’d give to students, Canales emphasized getting involved on campus. “The degree you walk away with means so much more when the whole person is shaped,” he said. “Grades are important, but who you’re becoming as a person, the friendships you’re forming, and your faith formation are truly going to steer you in life.” Jumping into new experiences like going on mission trips and attending campus events foster personal growth.
Working at APU is truly a joy for Canales, as he gets to continue implementing growth in himself and the people around him. By carrying the legacy his family has created in ministry, Canales’ firm foundation allows him to plant many more seeds for the kingdom of God.