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Students Share What It’s Like to Live on Campus
June 27, 2016 | Written By University Relations

At Azusa Pacific, we believe this residential experience is a key component of students’ time and growth at APU. It begins with the strong sense of community and support found in each of the four residence halls. Though each living area offers unique amenities and communities, across all, lasting relationships and memories are formed among roommates, hallmates, and resident advisors.
Hear what students have to say about their time living in these four residence halls—Adams Hall, Engstrom Hall, Smith Hall, and Trinity Hall.
Adams Hall
As one of the first residence halls at APU, Adams Hall is known for its legacy of close relationships formed among residents who become like sisters. This is a three-floor, all-women’s hall.
“Adams is amazing. Sometimes it gets loud but it’s a lot of fun! You will never get to experience being in a living situation with 20 other girls around the same age if you don’t live in an all-girls dorm.”
“My RA definitely helped me transition. She was always there for all of us at any time we needed her. Whether it was to talk while we were stressed or homesick, or running to Paws ’n Go to get soup when we were sick.”
“Identity week was one of my favorite traditions. For one whole week, each person gave up something that they were putting their identity in that distracted us from our identity in Christ. This ranged from makeup to social media to academic success. This sparked incredible conversations that brought our hall closer.”
Engstrom Hall
A four-floor, coed dorm that is also home to the Honors College living area. Engstrom Hall is known for its lively downstairs lobby where students gather to chat and play ping pong. Plus, with a view of the baseball field, students can watch games together from the comfort of the floor lobbies.
“My roommate and I became close friends instantly! It was like we had known each other for years. And even through our long breaks and during summer break we still keep in touch. My roommate may well be one of the college friends that I will have for life.”
“My resident advisor was so welcoming and inviting to everyone; she would take the time to actually try to establish a relationship with everyone in the hall.”
“We did a lot of fun things together, but my favorite was probably the night we decorated gingerbread houses and listened to Christmas music. Being away from home around the holiday season is tough at first, but there are so many ways to make it feel more like home.”
Smith Hall
This two-story residence hall houses freshman men. Smith Hall is known for its camaraderie and sense of brotherhood, and also facilitates the annual Smith vs. Smith tournament.
“Getting to know them made the transition a lot easier because I got to start to form some of the friendships that I still have, and got to know many of the people around me, which made me feel like I was a part of a community, part of Smith Hall and had a place at APU.”
“Getting to know the RD [residence director] and RA really helped because they could provide advice on certain things about college life that I may not have gotten otherwise.”
“One of my favorite traditions living in Smith Hall was Smith Hall Identity Week. It was a very unique experience in which the people of Smith Hall talked about our theme of being men in regards to different attributes.”
Trinity Hall
This five-floor, coed building in the center of the freshman living areas, is the newest of APU’s dorms. The bottom two floors house freshmen men and the upper three house freshmen women. Trinity Hall is known for its fun atmosphere and the lasting friendships facilitated within halls.
“Every Thursday night, we had a hall event called ‘Threefold Thursday.’ Roommates would volunteer to talk about three things they feel is important share to allow us to know them on a deeper level. So many girls talked about their testimonies, insecurities, hardships, and more. We were encouraged and challenged to be vulnerable with each other and let our guards down. I loved this event because I got to see the spirit of Christ work tangibly within the girls on my hall.”
“Freshman year was made the best year of my college experience because the gentlemen of Trinity First South all kept their doors open and we bonded as a family on the hall.”
“My RA was amazing. She was so devoted to growing relationships with everyone in an authentic and genuine way. She always told us that she wasn’t going to force any of us to hang out with her if we didn’t want to, which was cool. On the flip side, if we reciprocated, she would make us feel comfortable and we could talk to her about anything.”
Learn more about APU student housing.