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Student Dissertations

The following dissertation examples from some of our students offer a glimpse into our higher education degree programs and the range of topics our students are researching. You can also view a full list (MS Word) of student dissertations.

Exploring the Lived Experiences of First-Year Generation LatinX Community College Students Participating in a College Promise Program: A Phenomenological Inquiry
Diep Burbridge

Fostering Seamless Learning: Structures and Practices That Promote the Integration of Academic and Student Affairs
Amy VanDerWerf Carroll

The Intersection of Race and Spirituality at Faith-Based Colleges: Campus Climate as a Predictor of Spiritual Development
Kristin Paredes Collins

Thriving in College: Predictors of Honors Student Academic, Psychological, and Social Well-Being
Amanda Elaine Propst Cuevas

Predicting For-Profit Student Persistence Using the Student Satisfaction Inventory
David Edens

The Experiences of Students Who Increased Curiosity During Their First Year of College: A Grounded Theory Study
Kimberly Sudduth Ladd

Thriving in College: The Role of Spirituality and Psychological Sense of Community in Students of Color
Eric James McIntosh

Global Development Through International Volunteerism and Service-Learning: Who’s Saving Whom?
Cynthia Toms

Quality and Quantity of Co-Curricular Involvement as Predictors of College Student Thriving
Matthew K. Vetter

Note: This information is current for the 2024-25 academic year; however, all stated academic information is subject to change. Refer to the current Academic Catalog for more information.