William Yarchin, PhD

Professor Emeritus, Department of Biblical and Religious Studies
William Yarchin, PhD, has been an APU faculty member since 1993, and teaches courses in biblical exegesis and interpretation. Yarchin’s scholarly interests revolve around the intersection of science and religion and the history of biblical interpretation. Lecturing on these topics have taken him to Canada, Israel, and Sicily. A member of the Society of Biblical Literature and the Catholic Biblical Association, Yarchin published a book on the history of biblical interpretation. Prior to teaching at APU, Yarchin served as director of the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center in Claremont, California.
- PhD, Religion, Claremont Graduate School
- MA, Religion, Claremont Graduate School
- BA, Religious Studies, Southern California College
- Graduate Study, Hebrew University in Jerusalem
Academic Area
- School of Theology
- Science and Religion
- History of Biblical Interpretation
- World Religions and Religious Issues
Courses Taught
- GDMN 782 – Scripture: Its Spirituality and Proclamation
- UBBL 100 – Introduction to Biblical Literature: Exodus/Deuteronomy
- UBBL 320 – Hebrew Poetical and Wisdom Literature
- UBBL 460 – Biblical Studies Capstone: Old Testament Theology
- UBBL 471 – History of Biblical Interpretation
- UBBL 472 – Biblical Apocalyptic
- UBBL 481 – History of Biblical Interpretation
- UBBL 493 – Bible Studies Capstone: Old Testament Theology