Jennifer Fernandez, DPT, OCS

Director of Clinical Education and Assistant Professor
Phone: (626) 815-5019
Email: [email protected]
Office Location: John and Marilyn Duke Academic Complex, Room 419
Jennifer was born and raised in Southern California. She attended undergrad at UCLA and graduated in 2007 with a BS in Physiological Sciences. She attended the Doctor of Physical Therapy program here at APU and graduated in 2010. Prior to Jennifer's return to APU, she was working as a clinical Physical Therapist for over 10 years. Her primary work was in outpatient orthopedics and working on specializing in pelvic health, pregnant and post-partum orthopedic issues. Jennifer is excited to be back at APU and having an impact on future physical therapist.
- Doctor of Physical Therapy
- Bachelor of Science in Physiological Sciences
- Orthopedic Certified Specialist in Physical Therapy
Academic Area
- School of Health Sciences
- Orthopedics and Pelvic Health