Karen Strand Winslow, PhD

Professor Emerita, Department of Biblical and Theological Studies
Video Introduction
Karen Strand Winslow, PhD, teaches courses in the Old Testament, early Judaism, Scripture formation and interpretation, and women in the Bible and the Church. She is an ordained elder in the Free Methodist Church, and her other fields of expertise include Jewish studies, sociology of religion, and women in religion. She is a member of the Society of Biblical Literature, the American Academy of Religion, and the Wesleyan Theological Society.
- PhD, Biblical and Jewish Studies, Near and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Washington
- Secondary Education Degree, University of Oregon
- MAR, Biblical Literature/Old Testament, Asbury Theological Seminary
- BA, Religion/English, Seattle Pacific University
- Elders Orders, Pacific Northwest Conference of the Free Methodist Church
- American Society of Psychoprophylaxis in Obstetrics certification
Academic Area
- Azusa Pacific Seminary
- School of Theology
- Sociology of Religion, Ethnicity, Sectarianism
- Jewish Studies
- Early Jewish Christianity
- Biblical Studies
- Women in Religion
Courses Taught
- GBBL 501 – Torah and Prophets: Exodus-2 Kings
- GBBL 511 – Biblical Interpretation: Exploring Genesis
- GBBL 521 – People of God
- GBBL 531 – Kingdom of God
- GBBL 589 – Bible Lands Study Tour
- GBBL 590 – Thesis
- GBBL 599 – Readings in Biblical Studies
- GBBL 611 – Old Testament Seminar
- GBBL 631 – Early Judaism: The Writings and the Dead Sea Scrolls
- GBBL 651 – Scripture and Canon: The Formation of the Bible
- GBBL 661 – Women in the Bible and Church History
- GBBL 570 – Directed Research
- GBBL 590 – Thesis
- GINS 507 – The Bible and Preaching
- GMIN 569 – Mentored Ministry
- GTHE 570 – Directed Research
- GTHE 599 – Readings in Church History, Theology & Ethics
- UBBL 350 – Geographical and Historical Setting of the Bible