Lynn Allan Losie, PhD

Professor Emeritus, Azusa Pacific Seminary
Lynn Allan Losie, PhD, is a generalist in New Testament studies, teaching courses in the Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, and the Pauline Epistles, as well as in the background areas of Greek, early Judaism, and the greater Hellenistic World. His interpretative approaches include traditional historical-critical methods and more recent poststructuralist literary and ideological analyses. He has published articles on the New Testament and is the associate New Testament editor of the Word Biblical Commentary (Thomas Nelson Publisher). Ordained as a Baptist minister, he has also served in pastoral ministry in Southern California and Oregon.
- PhD, Theology (New Testament), Fuller Theological Seminary
- BD, Fuller Theological Seminary
- BS, Chemistry, Wheaton College
- Ordained minister, First Baptist Church, Forest Grove, Oregon
Academic Area
- Azusa Pacific Seminary
- Early Judaism
- New Testament Greek
- New Testament
- Hellenistic World
- Biblical Hermeneutics
Courses Taught
- GBBL 500 – Elements of Greek Exegesis
- GBBL 512 – The Gospels’ Witness to Christ
- GBBL 522 – The Gospel of Mark
- GBBL 532 – Paul the Apostle and Theologian
- GBBL 612 – New Testament Seminar
- GBBL 622 – The Church of the First Century
- GBBL 632 – The New Testament World