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School of Education

A Creative, Collaborative Community of Educators

The School of Education at Azusa Pacific University equips teachers, school counselors and school psychologists, and administrators who make a difference as leaders and champions for students in diverse educational settings.

Providing comprehensive graduate education degrees, the school offers an EdD in Educational Leadership and degrees in teaching, learning and technology, special education, and school counseling and school psychology. Recognized among teacher preparation programs for excellence, the school also offers single subject and multiple subject teaching credentials, as well as mild to moderate support needs and extensive support needs special education credentials.

APU’s notable accreditation by the CTC, NASP, CAEP, and WASC means candidates receive practical training of the highest standard in every educator preparation program.

I’m a firm believer that you don’t only teach in the classroom, but you take them outside. For each of my courses, we’ll either go to a victim advocate organization where they can volunteer with those who have become victims of various crimes ... [or] for my American courts class, we actually go to a courthouse so they can see this process from start to finish.

Jennifer Courduff, PhD
Professor, Division of Teacher Education

Contact Information

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (626) 815-5376


Building One
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