What You Can Do to Reduce Waste
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- What You Can Do to Reduce Waste
Contact Information
Phone: (626) 812-3002Fax: (626) 815-3880
Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Anderson BuildingHere are a few simple ideas you can follow to help reduce waste:
- Support APU’s recycling efforts (see the APU Recycling Guide (PDF)).
- Learn about Energy Conservation Tips for Offices (PDF).
- Learn how to Go Green in Your Dorm (PDF).
- Use both sides of your paper.
- Follow the 15-minute rule: If you are leaving your room for more than 15 minutes, turn the lights off.
- Keep your air conditioner set at 76 degrees or higher.
- Turn off your computer and monitor at the end of each day.
- Carpool or take alternative transportation when possible (see APU’s employee rideshare program).
- Ride your bike.
- Conserve water with shorter showers.
- Buy from and donate to thrift stores.
- Preserve our landfills by repairing items instead of replacing them.
- Use window blinds to reduce air conditioning demand.
The Azusa Pacific campus features numerous locations where members of the APU community can bring their recyclable white paper, mixed paper, and/or newspapers:
East Campus
- 1899 Dining Hall
- Center for Academic Service-Learning
- Academic Success Center
- Admissions North and South
- Office of Alumni Engagement
- Office of Commuter Life
- Facilities Management
- Help Desk
- International Students and Scholars
- Marshburn Library
- Ronald Building
- Student Government Association
- Student Health Center
- Office of Campus Life
- Mail Services
- Student Services Center
- Warren Music Center
- Wilden Hall
- Wynn Academic Center
West Campus
- Administration West
- Ahmanson Technology Center
- Alosta Center
- Department of Athletics
- Azusa Print + Design
- Department of Clinical Psychology
- Community Counseling Center
- Darling Library
- School of Education
- Office of Faculty Development
- Fletcher Jones Center
- Department of Higher Education
- Leadership and Organizational Psychology, Department of
- Mail Services
- School of Nursing
- Department of Physical Therapy
- Segerstrom Science Center
- Stamps Library
- Theology Mail Room
- School of Theology
- Office of University Advancement
- Campus Store
- Warehouse Operations
Have More Ideas?
We want to hear from you. Forward your ideas on how to reduce waste to Toney Snyder at [email protected].