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College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

In Pursuit of Truth and Excellence

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is a place where you can explore and live out truths that matter in a vibrant, collaborative community. Our diverse and well-rounded degree programs prepare students as critical thinkers ready to make their mark on the world.

The college offers 21 undergraduate majors and 4 master’s degrees. Whether you’re seeking a degree in a STEM field, such as biotechnology or engineering, or want to explore the humanities in a degree such as English or history, or prepare for a career in social science, such as international relations, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences offers an exceptional education designed to graduate difference makers who pursue excellence and live well. View a complete list of our degree programs.

The college also is home to the Center for Research in Science.

Here at APU, we can tackle science with a very holistic view, and we integrate our faith whenever possible. In my chemistry classroom, I will ask the question: Just because we can do something doesn’t mean we should––what about sustainability? What about stewardship? What about our Christian values?

Louise Huang, PhD
Director, Center for Research in Science
Assistant Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Contact Information

Email: [email protected]
 (626) 815-6000, Ext. 3500


Ronald Building

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