General Education Requirements for Professional Undergraduate Students

APU’s General Education program comprises five major outcome areas, and all of these requirements must be met by approved classes:

  • Intellectual and Practical Skills
  • Knowledge of Human Cultures and the Physical and Natural World
  • Biblical, Theological, and Philosophical Formation
  • Personal and Social Responsibility
  • Integrative and Applied Learning

All courses approved to satisfy General Education requirements are identified in the class schedule and are included on the list of approved General Education courses in the university catalog. Additional courses may be approved in the future.

While students work closely with their Academic Records Specialist in determining their General Education requirements, the responsibility for fulfilling these requirements is solely that of the student.

All current professional undergraduate students are required to access their Web-based Advisement Report (through for information regarding their major, General Education requirements, and fulfillment of these requirements. Any questions about the application of transfer courses for course requirements should be directed to an Academic Records Specialist in the Office of the Graduate and Professional Registrar.

Professional Transfer Guidelines

The following document is designed to simplify your course selection and facilitate fulfillment of the General Education requirements for professional transfer students. The guidelines are a general overview of what types of courses will satisfy APU’s General Education requirements. It is in your best interest to follow these guidelines of suggested courses. If you have any questions, please contact Graduate and Professional Admissions.

General Education Transfer Guidelines for Professional Students (PDF)

Note: Students interested in APU’s traditional undergraduate programs should visit the Undergraduate Enrollment Services Center for transfer guidelines for those programs.


APU accepts the completed IGETC or CSU GE as fulfilling the lower-division General Education requirements.

All APU professional undergraduate students will be required to complete the requisite number of biblical studies and upper-division elective courses. In the cases of both the CSU GE and the IGETC, the certificate must be complete and obtained from the respective community college before the student matriculates to APU. Learn more about General Education information for professional transfer students in the university catalog.

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