APU’s School of Business and Management 2022 Rankings

We are proud to share that our programs have been ranked as some of the best in California, and in the country.

Amongst the finest business schools in the country, we stand tall in our innovative programs and accomplished faculty. Azusa Pacific’s MBA program is ranked No. 48 in California. Other recent rankings include:

  • No. 6 in Best Online MBA with a concentration in entrepreneurship nationwide.
  • No. 34 in MBM programs nationwide, alongside such prestigious institutions as Harvard, Penn State, and Arizona State.
  • No. 14 in top accounting schools in the state of California, alongside such notable institutions as Cal State L.A., Vanguard, and USC.
  • No. 37 in international business programs, alongside such prestigious institutions as South Carolina, Seton Hall, and Butler.

Rankings provided by:

  • UniversityHQ, a leading online resource for students wishing to pursue higher education.
  • Best Value Schools, a top online resource for finding the college experience that’s right for students.
  • Master’s Programs Guide, an online guide to finding the best master’s program for your career goals.

Note: This information is current for the 2023-24 academic year; however, all stated academic information is subject to change. Refer to the current Academic Catalog for more information.